Future prospects

Diamond discoveries on land bordering the southern Atlantic coastal areas of Namibia could very well extend the country’s mining operations by another 50 years.

Namdeb Diamond Corporation – jointly owned by the Namibian government and Anglo American’s De Beers – uses the latest technology to push back the sea by creating an artificial sea wall. This has led to recent discoveries made behind the inter-tidal zone.

According to a Bloomberg report, the country’s Atlantic coast holds an estimated 80 million carats of gems – the world’s richest marine diamond deposit – which were carried to the sea by the Orange river, and could be mined beyond 2050.

To add to future growth within the sector, a decade-long deal was signed in May between the government and De Beers to obtain US$430 million of rough diamonds annually for sale through Namibia’s Diamond Trading Company.

26 July 2016
Image: Gallo/Getty Images

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